Customs & Border Clearance

Expedite your business. Minimise your costs.

Customs clearance can be a challenge for both importers and exporters. Unexpected fees, complicated documentation, confusing regulations and even misclassification of cargo can lead to headaches, delayed goods and, worse, loss of revenue.

Our customs and border clearance service is designed to help you sail through customs clearance and ensure your goods arrive and are released in a timely fashion.

Our expert customs team isn’t just on hand to expedite your business. They are also hyper focused on minimising your costs. Whether that’s through opportunities for duty-free concessions or simply cost savings from the timely completion of custom clearances.

Expert Customs Team

Our customs and border clearance services are managed internally via our excellent customs team. Every member of our team is absolutely committed to helping you achieve your goals for your international shipping and your business overall. We will manage the clearance process for your shipments, help you release your goods on arrival or for export, find opportunities to minimise your costs and ensure that your clearances are completed in a time sensitive fashion.

As industry experts on customs regulations both here in Australia and overseas, we can provide you with the advice and expertise you need to get the results you’re looking for.

Our Tailored Customs & Border Clearance Services

Our customs and border clearance services can be tailored to perfectly suit your needs. From data reporting to general management, we can provide you with the help you need, when you need it.

Customs & border clearance services can include:

Got a freight problem you need help solving?

Get in touch with our efficient, expert and customer-service-focused team today and we’ll come back to you within one business day.